What Is MPS Therapy?

Here’s How MPS Therapy Works And How It Can Aid In Pain Relief:
Acupuncture Principles: – Targeting particular body spots known as acupuncture points or trigger points, MPS therapy makes use of the acupuncture principles. These points are said to correspond to various bodily organs, tissues, or systems.
Microcurrent Electrical Stimulation: – The device administers low-level electrical currents via acupuncture needles or specialized probes put into the acupuncture points during MPS therapy. In MPS therapy, very low-intensity electrical currents that imitate the body’s normal electrical signals are used.
Pain Relief Mechanisms: – MPS therapy can help relieve pain through several mechanisms like Endorphin Release, Muscle Relaxation, Nerve Modulation and Increased Circulation.
Conditions Treated: – MPS therapy can be used to treat both acute and chronic pain, among other types of pain and medical conditions. Back pain, joint pain, fibromyalgia, and sports injuries are just a few examples of the musculoskeletal problems that the Dolphin MPS can help with giving pain relief. Neuropathic pain, post-operative pain, and other types of pain may also be treated with it.
At Our Wellness Clinic
- Increases ATP Production by 300-500%
- Decreases Cortisol levels by up to 35%
- Increases HRV which improves the ANS ability to adapt to change
- Increases the cellular metabolism by increasing the body’s ability to communicate
- Only microcurrent point stimulation can do this

Let’s compare the point of application of Electrical stimulation with a pad vs a point
The inverse Square simply says that you need four times as much voltage to deliver the same amount of current into the body for every time you double the surface area of application. A 2×2 electrode has an 8,000 times more surface area than the Dolphin’s tip.
Therefore, a 2×2 pad would need 32,000 times more voltage than a single location on the dolphin to deliver the same amount of current into the body.
Here’s How MPS Therapy Helps Scar Management

Enhanced Healing – By improving the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the scarred area and increasing blood flow, MPS scar release therapy can encourage the body’s natural healing processes. Circulation can be improved to help with tissue repair and regeneration, which helps speed up the healing of scars.
Softening of Scar Tissue – Scar tissue frequently develops into a thick, dense, and inflexible layer that can be uncomfortable and limit motion. MPS treatment encourages collagen remodelling, which can aid in softening scar tissue. The collagen fibres may realign as a result of the modest electrical stimulation, making the scar tissue more malleable and flexible.
Pain Relief – Scars can occasionally be painful, especially if they are close to nerves or if the injury caused nerve damage. By encouraging the release of endorphins, which are naturally occurring painkillers, MPS therapy can aid in the reduction of pain associated with scars. In addition to relieving pain, the therapy may also assist to relax surrounding muscles and lessen nerve sensitivity.
Scar Desensitization – Scars may develop an increased sensitivity to pressure, temperature, and touch, which may make them uncomfortable or even cause them to avoid certain activities. By regulating nerve activity and lowering their sensitivity, MPS therapy can help scars become less sensitive. The mild electrical currents can lessen the sensitivity of the scar to outside stimuli and assist in restoring normal nerve activity.
Improved Appearance – The cosmetic appeal of scars may be enhanced by MPS therapy. The therapy may help reduce the size, thickness, and redness of scars by encouraging collagen remodelling and improving circulation. Over time, this may cause the scar to appear smoother and less obvious.
All About C-Section Scar Release Therapy (SRT)
A quick and extremely efficient scar therapy is Cesaerean Section Scar Release Therapy (SRT), which lessens the harmful effects of scars. Utilizing the most recent scientific discoveries to treat both chronic.
SRT uses Microcurrent Point stimulation (MPS), a trademarked treatment based on the scientific idea of enhancing skin’s inter-cellular metabolism, protein synthesis, and healing functioning, to re-awaken the skin’s ability to self-generate and reduce post-operative discomfort and dermal scarring.

C- Section Scar Tissue Release Therapy is efficient at reducing the size and shape of scars! With 1.3 million C-sections performed annually in the USA, they rank among the most common surgeries that leave scars. But did you realize they can seriously harm your health?
The detrimental effects of C-section scars release before and after on the body are well-known in science. The fascia, muscles, nerves, bones, organs, and systems are constrained or bound by them. They cause the entire body structure to feel like it’s in a straight-jacket! They obstruct the flow of energy and circulation, which might harm one’s health and wellbeing. Scars up-regulate the sympathetic nervous system and act as stress agonists, which fosters illness and pain.
All of this causes suffering and illness. Not unexpectedly, it has been documented in science that C-sections are associated with chronic post-surgical pain (CPSP), back pain, shoulder pain, and neuropathic pain.
In a recently released study, just a small portion of the chronic pain that patients experienced was concentrated at the scar site (10%), with 80–90% of the chronic pain that the suffering patient experienced being remote or located far from the site of the C-section. (OGN 2019).
Pain is just the beginning. C-sections can also lead to stress, adhesions, and fascia limitations. Now that the process is simple and painless, you can safely use it at home to relieve stress, adhesions, and fascia constraints that cause pain.
It has been demonstrated that this method relieves pain by 82.52% with just one application. (OGN 2018). Scar Release Therapy is so successful that pain reduction is guaranteed—or your money back!
Learn more about C-section Scar Release Therapy at:
40% C-Sections experience CHRONIC BACK pain.
20% C-Sections experience SHOULDER BACK pain
What Is Scar Release Therapy (SRT)?
A new Scar Release Therapy (SRT) that has been patented by the Centre for Pain & Stress Research is a secure, clinically validated treatment. SRT is easy and painless to use on oneself, and it works wonders to lessen the detrimental effects of scars. Scars and associated adhesions frequently obstruct lymph and blood flow, compress nerves, impair muscle movement, and disrupt energy flow.
SCARS are common and can appear after surgery, in the form of fractured bones, sprained joints, torn muscles, inflammation, or other traumatized areas. All of us develop scars over the course of our lives, and these scars negatively affect our bodies in several ways.
This incredibly healing treatment:
1. Speeds up the healing process of the scar
2. Decreases pain in the connective tissue
3. Helps to relax and fade scar tissue
SRT uses the most recent scientific developments to treat both skin scarring following any operation or trauma as well as persistent pain. In order to reawaken the skin’s capacity to self-generate, SRT uses Microcurrent Point stimulation, a proprietary technique built on the scientific idea of enhancing skin intercellular metabolism, protein synthesis, and healing functioning. This easy and painless method, which has been shown to relieve 73.2% of pain following a single application by minimizing skin damage, adhesions, and fascia constraints, targets direct cellular stimulation of microcurrent waves through the scars.
Source and Research:
How It Works?
The method entails applying a low-level, safe electrical impulse to both sides of the physical scar at the same time. Scar tissue can impair muscle and fascia function and create discomfort.
The microcurrent assists in relaxing and fading scar tissue. Easing limitations and adhesions in the connective tissue, quickens the healing process. With reduced pain, mothers can resume or continue lifting, walking, exercising, and caring for their children as a result of their physical recuperation.
The depth and healing capacity of the scar dictate the number of sessions, and your registered practitioner will be able to provide you with more information about this during the visit.
In just one treatment session, we may significantly alter the visual appearance and mobility of scars! We frequently treat scars after procedures such as breast augmentation, reduction, or mastectomy, C-sections, removal of deep moles or skin lesions, facelifts, trauma scars, or any other type of scar. We can typically produce major physical modifications regardless of how old the scar is!

Here’s How MPS Therapy Helps Lymphatic Drainage
MPS therapy can be used to help improve the medical conditions of lymphatic drainage by stimulating the lymphatic system, enhancing lymph flow, and promoting the removal of waste and toxins from the body. Here’s how MPS therapy can aid in lymphatic drainage:
Lymphatic Stimulation – With the use of MPS therapy, certain body parts with a connection to lymphatic flow can get light electrical stimulation. The electrical currents facilitate the circulation of lymph fluid throughout the body by assisting in the activation of lymphatic channels and the stimulation of lymphatic muscle contraction.
Increased Circulation – The MPS therapy’s use of microcurrent electrical stimulation can improve blood flow, which helps lymphatic drainage indirectly. In addition, it use of microcurrent therapy to release scar tissue. The delivery of nutrients, oxygen, and immune cells to the tissues is aided by increased blood flow, which also enhances lymphatic performance and encourages the evacuation of waste materials.
Relaxation of Lymphatic Vessels – Improved lymphatic flow can result from the relaxation of the smooth muscles that surround the lymphatic capillaries brought on by MPS therapy. The therapy supports the free flow of lymph fluid by easing tension and tightness in the vessels, avoiding congestion and stagnation.
Detoxification – Toxins and waste materials must be removed from the body, and the lymphatic system is essential for this process. MPS therapy can aid in the clearance of toxic substances such as metabolic waste and cellular debris by improving lymphatic drainage. This can assist the body’s immune system and enhance general detoxification activities.
Reduction of Edema – Edema, or the buildup of extra fluid in the tissues, can be reduced by MPS therapy. The treatment can aid in draining and lowering edema in affected regions, speeding recovery and easing discomfort by boosting lymphatic flow.