Personal Trainers are you frustrated with your clients not seeing the results that you both have worked so hard for?


Are you a personal trainer who is frustrated in your clients not seeing their progress?

There are many times when people get caught up with the number on the scale and are frustrated with all the hard work they put in at the gym but never see the number decrease. However, weight is not the only factor when it comes to overall health. There is body fat percentage, body composition, balance, and posture. All of which basic scales and looking in the mirror can’t measure for you.


A full body surface scan from the Fit 3D ProScanner takes thousands of measurements of joints, landmarks, circumferences, volumes, surface areas, contours, etc. in just 35 seconds. And the results are much more comprehensive than other methods. This same scanner was used on The Biggest Loser and Keeping Up with the Kardashians. In less than 4 minutes, you will receive a complete picture of your body composition, a posture analysis, and a body shape rating.


Key Features

  • 35-second scan
  • 4-minute processing time
  • Full body 3D image
  • Hundreds of measurements (joints, landmarks, circumferences, volumes, surface areas, contours, etc.)
  • Posture analysis
  • Body composition
  • Body shape rating
  • Weight

Below is an example of the 3D body scan and how you are able to see where you started or your baseline. It also shows how it compares to a current scan.


Remember muscles weight more than fat so on a scale you may not be loosing weight but you are getting healthier if you are building muscles and lessening your body fat percentage.

This is the perfect way to track your individual progression during a diet or workout program. If you are a personal trainer this is the best way to start your client’s journey and track their progress working with you. As a trainer with comprehensive reports you can make real time changes to your client’s program so they can work towards their goals. One of our physical therapist can explain the complete report to you right after the scan to go over in detail what these factors mean and how you can use these figures to help you adjust your routine to fit your goals.

Looking to take your workouts to the next level?

You can burn up to 800 calories in a 30-minute workout session in the infrared sauna!

What if you can get the benefits of explosive fitness, anti-aging, detoxification, pain relief, brain boost, and skin toning in just one half-an-hour session?

Sure Cure Therapy & Wellness features new, game-changing sauna studio which offers far more benefits from working out than any other exercise method known today.

Infrared Sauna Causes a Massive Increase of Growth Hormones Naturally
Everybody needs muscle. If you lose muscle, you gain more fat. If you build muscle, you burn more fat, even while you sleep.

Using our infrared sauna is by far the safest and easiest method to stimulate muscle growth. It produces an anabolic reaction that sends muscle-building blood to your muscles. If you want to accelerate this process you have the “D” rings strategically placed throughout the interior of the sauna – enabling you to use exercise bands to work every muscle in your body.

Learn more about the benefits of the Infrared Sauna.

The most important point of a map is the start and with the 3D FIT Body Scan you will know exactly where your body is at the start. Paired with the infrared sauna, you are sure to reach your health goals.

Call us at 469-212-8888 to learn more and to schedule a tour of our facility.