Why Don’t I Sweat in an Infrared Sauna?


If you’re curious about why you’re not sweating in an infrared sauna and want to know if it’s okay, keep reading, and we’ll answer these questions for you. 

When you see people coming out of most saunas, you see them all drenched in sweat, looking like they just finished doing an intense workout. However, when you go into an Infrared Sauna, you expect the same results but are surprised if you don’t come out looking the same. You may be wondering why this is and if it’s okay.

Many people wonder if you’re supposed to sweat in an infrared sauna. The answer is no. Some people sweat in an Infrared Sauna while others don’t, and both are entirely normal. 

There are many reasons you may not sweat as much as other people, such as:
– Body size
– Age
– The amount of muscle you have
– Level of Health
– Fitness Level
– Plus, everyone sweats differently!

Most people don’t really understand the difference between a traditional sauna and an Infrared Sauna. A traditional sauna works by heating the air and using steam to heat the outside of the body. They also heat up quicker, which causes the body to sweat more. Infrared saunas work by heating the inside of your body. It reaches deep into the tissue increases the core temperature.

These saunas do not need to use as much heat, which means individuals can stay longer in the sauna before sweating. There is also no humidity involved in an Infrared Sauna, and the infrared waves heat your body from the inside-out which causes it to respond differently to the heat. Remember: even though you may not be sweating, it is important to stay hydrated before, during, and after an Infrared Sauna.

If you don’t sweat during your time in the sauna, feel your skin once you get out. Do you feel a little damp or slightly sticky? These are the toxins being released from your body. You do not have to look like you just got done running a mile to reap the benefits of an Infrared Sauna.

Before 2019 people believed that when using an Infrared Sauna, you were only releasing water and salt. In the last five to eight years, studies are now suggesting otherwise, and it was found that people sweat out many chemicals, including: organic pollutants, heavy metals, BPA, and phthalate. There were more of these chemicals found in individuals’ sweat than in their blood or urine!

People often like to know what they sweat out while in the sauna. This is a tricky question that is filled with a lot of different answers. So the best way we found to answer it is by telling you what science has to say:
“Although most sweat is made up of salt of water studies, have shown that more than 15% of Infrared Sauna heath sweat has arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in it. While the numbers aren’t huge, it does show that Infrared Saunas do help detox individuals.”

If you haven’t tried an Infrared Sauna before, we highly recommend it! With the lower levels of heat, you can better meditate, or do low impact exercises such as yoga while in the sauna, which will only increase the overall benefits. Here at Sure Cure, our Far Infrared Saunas have TVs inside, so when you book your session, you can do a workout following programs that are pre-loaded, or simply follow a guided meditation. For your convenience, our saunas are available 24 hours a day. Our facilities also include a shower so you can freshen up before getting on with the rest of your day or night. And remember, stay hydrated, and even if you don’t sweat, you’re still benefiting!