MLD After Cosmetic Surgeries

Manual Lympahtic Drainage (MLD) After Cosmetic Surgeries 

MLD is frequently utilized following cosmetic procedures like:

  • Brazilian buttlifts (BBL)
  • Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck
  • Liposuction
  • Lift with Arm/Leg Fat Transfer
  • Facelift
  • Breast Implant
  • Cheek liposuction
  • Breast reconstruction and mastectomy

Research: Below is a study done by the NIH (National Institutes of Health) showing the benefits of post liposuction MLD:

Manual lymphatic drainage and therapeutic ultrasound in liposuction and lipoabdominoplasty post-operative period

Why Is Lymphatic Massage Important After Cosmetic Surgery?

One of the side effects of cosmetic surgery is swelling. This is a typical inflammatory response and a stage in the healing process as fluid rushes to the area to provide it with white blood cells. Increased edema is a common side effect of body procedures, particularly liposuction and stomach tucks, because the additional fluid and fat cells may harden a few weeks following surgery.

The fluid that has accumulated can be moved by means of lymphatic massage back into the lymphatic channels, where extra fluid and waste can be eliminated from the body. This lessens swelling and bruising while also preventing fibrosis, which is the development of thick, fibrous scar tissue beneath the skin.

Lymphatic Drainage: How long does it take to work?

The flow rate will be between 100 and 120 bpm after the massage and will gradually decline over the next 48 hours.

What promotes lymphatic drainage following surgery?

After surgery, wearing compression clothing and the MLD itself is really beneficial.

What actually Body’s Natural Lymph System does?

Let’s first go through the functions of the body’s natural lymphatic system. It is a method by which the body rids itself of poisonous fluids. Our body may endure pain and swelling as a result of these fluids. We may experience fatigue in addition to a host of other medical issues. Our body regularly eliminates all poisons while our lymph system is functioning properly. We feel healthier and more invigorated as a result.

If our bodies have a natural lymphatic system, why do we need a massage for lymphatic drainage?

Consider it as a manual aid to the body’s inherent drainage system. This method was developed in Germany to treat lymphedema (body swelling). This is brought on by a blockage in the lymphatic system, which is a component of the circulatory and immunological systems. The removal or destruction of lymph nodes during cancer treatment is the most frequent cause of lymphedema. In addition to removing extra fluid from the body, massage also reduces discomfort and edema. Patients can have severe water retention and swelling for unrelated causes. The procedure gained a lot of traction over time among those undergoing cosmetic surgery and those having trouble with their lymphatic system. The main advantages are:
By massaging the lymphatic system, toxins, germs, and metabolic waste are removed from the body.
It is proven to dramatically lessen body discomfort, which provides you with comfort following therapy on both a mental and physical level.
The sympathetic nervous system is supported by manual lymph drainage massage, which also significantly lowers tension and anxiety levels.
Additionally, lymphatic drainage massage reduces bodily stiffness and soreness.
It considerably lessens bruises. (Which, with any form of cosmetic surgery, is usually a plus.) Bruising disappears in a flash because cells are transferred at a ten times faster rate.
Additionally, it can aid in avoiding infections following surgery. Getting rid of extra fluid that is toxic will ensure that your body heals properly.
It can help to increase immunity and speed up the healing and recovery process after surgery.
Additionally, it may be beneficial. Additionally, it might lessen the visibility of scars.

The significance of MLD (lymphatic drainage massage):

The body’s lymphatic system must operate properly for it to perform at its best. It maintains a strong immune system, detoxifies the body, regenerates the body’s tissues, and filters out pollutants.
Numerous tubes and nodes make up the complete lymphatic system, which is always working to keep your body healthy. Fatty acids, immune cells, poisons, proteins, and hormone cells make up the lymph itself, which the nodes process. The entire process slows down if the body is under any form of stress, undergoes surgery, contracts an infection, or is unwell. The advantages of MLD extend beyond health. Lymphatic drainage massage is real. In fact, lymphatic drainage massage has been shown to be helpful for enhancing skin quality and can help you maintain your youthful appearance for longer. Additionally, it can improve the skin’s brightness and reduce the morning puffiness that some people experience. Overall, it is undeniably important for both aesthetic and health reasons.

If you or someone you know have had any of these procedures, see if MLD could help them. Schedule a FREE Discovery session today.